Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Commonly asked questions about the show and ticket booking service. If you have more questions, please use the contact form. Thank you.

How does payment work?

— Simply fill in the booking form and you will be redirected to the secure PayPal payment system for your payment. We may also send you a custom invoice. Note: An account with PayPal is not needed. You may use most common debit/credit cards.

How to cancel booking is there a fee?

— Please cancel your booking as soon as possible or let us know if you are late or cannot come. We will fully refund your payment if you cancel at least 24 hours before the show starts.

May I change booking details?

— You may change booking details when availability permits. For date changes, it must be confirmed 6 hours before show starts. In any case, please contact us as soon as possible if there is any change in plan.

What is the seating arrangement?

— Best possible seats according to type of ticket are assigned at the time of reservation. Dinner guests or show only tickets that include drinks or snacks are prioritized. Please note that if the theatre is full, you may have to sit at the table with other guests. However tables are very large in size. In such case "non-priority" ticket holders might have to sit without a table.

Where is dinner served?

— Dumpling banquet is served at the "Palace Restaurant" which is right next to the performance hall inside the theatre building. Other dinners are served at the same table that is used to watch the performance at the "Grand Theatre Hall", before the show starts.

Is dinner prepared for special diets/vegetarians?

— Please add any food requirements in the message box of the booking form. Vegetarian and other special diets are available for advanced reservations.

How long does the show last?

— The show lasts for 60 minutes without intermissions.

Tang Dynasty Palace

  • Address: No.75, North
    Chang'an Road, Xi'an, China
  • Phone: (+86)1555-2589-030